Annie is not enjoying her roaring-twenties as much as she should be. She’s been jilted at the altar by Stephen-the-indecisive, is paying off a mountain of wedding debt by holding down two jobs, and her flat is mostly made of cardboard and spackle.
Then at work she meets a man in need of a date to his ex-fiancée’s wedding. Annie goes, and one wedding and four bottles of wine later, she finds herself getting married in Vegas to Dorian, an erotic illustrator.
Of course, it’s all great and romantic, until someone loses an eye, which here means, ‘until Annie gets home, and realises that her best friend (and boss) Will, has kind of been working up to popping the question himself. Will is not happy to see Annie married, in fact he’s willing to trade his Mohawk and every Ke$ha CD he owns to get Dorian out of the way.
As if that wasn’t enough to make things tense at work, Annie’s best-work-friend Yvonne (who knows something really fun you can do with a rugby player, some roller skates and chocolate spread) can’t resist getting involved in Annie’s love life. Neither can Dorian’s kleptomaniac sister Fifi, Dorian’s ex-bride and Annie’s mother.
In between breaking into cafés, having her door kicked down by the police and trying not to kill each and every one of her friends and relatives, Annie tries to work out how the hell her life got so complicated.
Where to begin with this book? I am stuck somewhere between two and three stars. It was okay, but there were parts that were very good. I don't think I have ever read about so many uniquely crazy characters between the covers of one book before. Over the top, strange, and completely unbelievable at times – like a daytime drama – such is Annie's life. The author has an exceptionally creative imagination. I was given a copy of this book for free in exchange for an honest review.
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