A feisty defense against rape by a female American veterinarian with a mighty African cross-border conservation plan, leaves the powerful attacker bloody and publicly humiliated. He becomes a revengeful and vindictive enemy who blocks her at every turn and plots to bring her down …
A lover, local politicians and even her own father, all with their own agendas, cause her even more trouble – is there anyone she can trust?
The spillover of a decent man caught up in an indecent third-world civil war complicates matters further and a wounded lion turned man-eater doesn’t help.
Follow the consequences as the story swings from an Argentinean hotel to an English boardroom via the English countryside and the African bush.
``As a Roaring Lion” is an action packed romantic thriller set at a time of momentous international changes with the collapse of Communism in the USSR and the ending of the Cold War, the dismantling of apartheid in South Africa that led to the release of Nelson Mandela and the end of Mozambique’s ruinous civil war with the advent of democracy as the hardline socialist government there threw in the towel.
(2.5) Some Elements were "Okay" and there were parts that I could say "I Liked It"
I received this blurb about the book in the email pitch for a review:
"A feisty defense against rape by a female American veterinarian with a mighty African cross-border conservation plan, leaves the powerful attacker bloody and publicly humiliated. He becomes a revengeful and vindictive enemy who blocks her at every turn and plots to bring her down …A lover, local politicians and even her own father, all with their own agendas, cause her even more trouble - is there anyone she can trust? The spillover of a third-world civil war complicates matters further and a wounded lion turned man-eater doesn’t help."
I was excited. This would seem a very fast paced and interestingly complex book. The truth is that it was extremely complex, but the most intricacies came in the form of military actions and political subterfuge. The beginning of the book was slow and difficult for me to get in to - I think the writing style wasn't what I'm used to - but because Mary Ann's story was compelling, after about the first 10 or 15 % it got easier. I was drawn in. However, once the story reached about the half way point there were so many subplots and large number of characters to keep track of that it became arduous again. Adding to the level of difficulty was the way the story bounced back and forth to the different subplots of the overall story. I was truly interested in Mary Ann's life and how she would overcome her thwarted attacker. She was a strong and passionate lead character. I enjoyed Roger and Michelle's story, and I think the lion's point of view was one of my favorite and most suspenseful parts of the book. The final chapters came together nicely, and I was impressed with the ending.
If you enjoy suspense thrillers with substantial political elements you may want to give this book a try.
I was given a copy of this book for free in exchange for an honest review.
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